They're low-lifes of the lowest order. Over the past five years they allowed endless comments about Trump that were utterly demeaning. Here's one they just censored. First I quote from a letter to the editor about Biden's last press conference. One line. Then offer my take on what we are seeing. Censored:
"'I couldn’t imagine any way he could have been more pathetic.'"It's the anti-seizure medication. One good thing about the corporate world is that it rarely tolerates anything like this. Unless the CEO or board chairman in question is also the largest stockholder. From another perspective, it is amazing that he has gotten this far. Non compos mentis."
As everyone but the Freeman slobs knows, Biden has had at least one brain surgery. His noticeable slowness and flat demeanor suggest medication, and the first of those meds would be those that lower the probability of seizures.
The low-life slobs at the Freeman are at it again and need to be reminded.
They're lazy lazy bigoted slobs at the Freeman, as unaware of the news environment as they are of history.
From a Reuters article dated June 22, 2011 with headline "Biden and Axelrod make fight against epilepsy personal":
"Biden suffered an aneurysm that nearly killed him in 1988. He grappled with the effects of two seizures and seven months of hospitalization. His treatment included anti-seizure drugs, which Biden described as 'numbing.'"
From a Reuters article dated June 22, 2011 with headline "Biden and Axelrod make fight against epilepsy personal":
"Biden suffered an aneurysm that nearly killed him in 1988. He grappled with the effects of two seizures and seven months of hospitalization. His treatment included anti-seizure drugs, which Biden described as 'numbing.'"
UPDATE: The lazy Freeman slobs have now also censored the quote cited from the Reuters article. Committing more violence.
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