Saturday, December 26, 2020

Minnesota lawmakers say coronavirus deaths could be inflated by 40% after reviewing death certificates

Minnesota lawmakers say coronavirus deaths could be inflated by 40% after reviewing death certificates (

"Two Minnesota state lawmakers are calling for an audit of death certificates that were attributed to the coronavirus, saying COVID-19 deaths could have been inflated by 40%.

"State Rep. Mary Franson and state Sen. Scott Jensen released a video last week revealing that after reviewing thousands of death certificates in the state, 40% did not have COVID-19 as the underlying cause of death."

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Not time yet to deal with sickness of the Kingston Daily Freeman

Whenever the Freeman editors allow themselves to speak through the voice of the Associated Press coverage of President Trump and the election they are behaving like willing hostages.

As events move forward they continue to betray their readers, showing no discernment whatsoever, and continue to pass on what is nothing less than sick, deceptive reporting from AP, the poisoned groundwater of Fake News.

The Freeman is not a salvageable operation, but we'll do our best to get their readers out of that car wreck.

Monday, December 21, 2020

It's The 400th Anniversary Of Plymouth Rock. Read D'Tocqueville Here

It's The 400th Anniversary Of Plymouth Rock. Read D'Tocqueville Here: 'Here is a stone which the feet of a few outcasts pressed for an instant, and this stone becomes famous; it is treasured by a great nation.'

Yes indeed


75 Seconds: Must Watch

This one must have been too much for Twitter. It can be viewed under some circumstances, but appears to be generally stymied, though not, apparently, completely removed. More censorship. Twitter excels at it. If it reappears I'll post it again. -- MMcP 

Raheem Kassam on Twitter: "75 seconds of pure must watch:" / Twitter

Friday, December 18, 2020

Seattle Public Schools tells teachers that the education system is guilty of “spirit murder”

Twitter thread:

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on Twitter: "SCOOP: Seattle Public Schools tells teachers that the education system is guilty of “spirit murder” against black children and that white teachers must “bankrupt [their] privilege in acknowledgement of [their] thieved inheritance.” Let's review the whistleblower documents.👇" / Twitter

12-yr-old girl shot and killed in Kingston

Ben Nandy on Twitter: "12-yr-old girl shot and killed in Kingston, #NY, and a nine-yr-old boy shot/injured. Here’s a report from the scene with what we know so far..." / Twitter

Wrong Again: 2020’s Failed Climate Doomsaying

Wrong Again: 2020’s Failed Climate Doomsaying – Watts Up With That?

"2020 has been the wildest and most unpredictable year in the memory of most people. But did the climate doom that was predicted to occur in or by 2020 materialize? What follows are 10 predictions made for 2020 and what really happened. As it turns out, climate doomsayers weren’t seeing so 20-20 when it came to 2020."

Top Ranking Catholic Cardinal Says COVID-19 Used To Advance 'Godless And Murderous Agenda' , Usher In 'Great Reset'

Top Ranking Catholic Cardinal Says COVID-19 Used To Advance 'Godless And Murderous Agenda' , Usher In 'Great Reset' | ZeroHedge

"Burke also slammed the US reliance on China, saying 'To attain economic gains, we as a nation have permitted ourselves to become dependent upon the Chinese Communist Party, an ideology totally opposed to the Christian foundations upon which families and our nation remain safe and prosper.'"

Scoop: Pentagon halts Biden transition briefings

NOTE: This report is now disputed.

Acting Pentagon chief halts Biden transition briefings - Axios

"Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller ordered a Pentagon-wide halt to cooperation with the transition of President-elect Biden, shocking officials across the Defense Department, senior administration officials tell Axios."

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Dollface denies she wants to be top sex worker in Arkham Asylum rec room

AOC says Pelosi, Schumer need to go - Sara A. Carter : Sara A. Carter

“'I do think we need new leadership in the Democratic Party,' Ocasio-Cortez said. 'I think one of the things that I have struggled with, I think that a lot of people struggle with, is the internal dynamics of the House has made it such that there [are] very little options for succession.'"

Peter Navarro Releases Damning Report on 2020 Election Fraud

Peter Navarro Releases Damning Report on 2020 Election Fraud | Dan Bongino

"A table from the report breaks down which irregularities apply to each state analyzed. It also compares Biden’s reported margin of victory to the number of potential illegal ballots in each state."

What Are Governors Doing To Counter China? The Answer Is Disturbing

What Are Governors Doing To Counter China? The Answer Is Disturbing: Communist China’s nefarious activities directly intersect with a number of areas over which governors can effect change, so what are our leaders doing?

"Why should we care what governors are doing to counter the CCP’s malign efforts? National security matters generally fall to the federal government. As the CCP utilizes the likes of Swalwell, Hunter Biden, and Wall Street financiers, however, it becomes clear that the regime’s malevolent efforts persist far outside the corridors of Washington, D.C."

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Drug Reverses Age-Related Mental Decline Within Days

 Drug Reverses Age-Related Mental Decline Within Days | UC San Francisco (

"Just a few doses of an experimental drug can reverse age-related declines in memory and mental flexibility in mice, according to a new study by UC San Francisco scientists. The drug, called ISRIB, has already been shown in laboratory studies to restore memory function months after traumatic brain injury (TBI), reverse cognitive impairments in Down Syndrome, prevent noise-related hearing loss, fight certain types of prostate cancer, and even enhance cognition in healthy animals."

Portland lets Antifa win big — again

Andy Ngo

Portland lets Antifa win big — again (

"Under normal circumstances, the armed trespassers would be prosecuted, and that would be the end of the story. But in riot-plagued Portland, things are very far from normal.

"The city’s 'progressive' district attorney immediately dropped the charges against the occupiers, and their comrades soon sent in reinforcements to build a sprawling autonomous zone in the middle of a densely populated residential area."

Binge watching material

If you're in need of some binge watching material, I'll tell you what we've been using to avoid ordinary television, particularly any news beyond an hour here and there.

We just finished the second season of Britannia, which was so long in coming that I could watch the first season again and be surprised by it. It's not for everyone, but it is wild. Set in the first century, with the Romans trying to conquer Britain and having a hell of a time trying to deal with various tribes and their mystery religions. Some hilarious characters, and the title song is Season of the Witch (highlight of the opening of each episode) performed by Donovan himself. Not sure when this version was recorded. Really sets the tone. We subscribed to Epix just to get this season.

Also on Epix is Pennyworth. Entire first season is available. Second season just starting with new episodes each Sunday. It's the back story on Batman's (Bruce Wayne's) loyal butler Alfred Pennyworth. This is Alfred as a young man, after his service with the SAS in WWII or some fictionally equivalent war. He's essentially the British version of a Navy SEAL, trained in all that jazz. It's a DC comic world with blatant anachronisms where the 60s, 50s, and 40s are all colliding with each other. One minute you think it's the 50s, then it's the late 40s, along those lines.

Finally there's The Crown on Netflix, which has gotten a bit dreary this time around, as you would expect given that it focuses a great deal on Charles and Diana. He's a Royal douchebag and she's a neurotic twit. And for whatever reason the writers spent some time dwelling on her bulimia. Got the sense that they hated both of them and wanted them to go away, which is pretty much how the audience must feel. But, still, if you've watched the first three seasons, you'll want to stay with it.

Oh, and then there is Gillian Anderson (Dana Scully from the X-Files) as Margaret Thatcher. Some good moments, but it's more an SNL impersonation than a portrayal. Maggie was quite a bit less brittle than Anderson plays her and much more feisty, and brilliant. But I like Gillian Anderson a lot and I'm happy to watch her do anything. She was also once a waitress in the East Village at well-known restaurant on St. Mark's Place called The Dojo.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Kayleigh McEnany White House Press Briefing, December 15

Kayleigh McEnany White House Press Briefing, December 15

San Francisco to rename Abraham Lincoln High School because 'black lives didn't matter to him'

San Francisco to rename Abraham Lincoln High School because 'black lives didn't matter to him' | The Post Millennial

"Stating that Lincoln "did not demonstrate that 'black lives mattered to him,'" the school district will be stripping the local high school of his name and legacy. While Lincoln undoubtedly is best known for freeing the slaves from bondage, San Francisco worries that Lincoln's approval of the Homestead Act and the Pacific Railway Act show that he didn't care about minorities."

Recommended: The Shanghai Factor by Charles McCarry

McCarry's brilliant fictional take on the psychology of Chinese Communists and how they compromise U.S. intelligence agencies. The Shanghai Factor (9780802121288): McCarry, Charles: Books

If you don't know McCarry's work, give yourself one of his novels for Christmas. He was one of the greatest American writers. Died in February of 2019.

Over 570,000 Uighurs involved in China cotton coerced labour: report

Over 570,000 Uighurs involved in China cotton coerced labour: report (

"Hundreds of thousands of ethnic minority labourers in China's northwestern Xinjiang region are being forced to pick cotton through a coercive state-run scheme, a report has said.

"The research published Monday by Washington-based think tank the Center for Global Policy is likely to heap more pressure on global brands such as Nike, Gap and Adidas, which have been accused of using Uighur forced labour in their textile supply chains."

Twitter Bans Video Of United Airlines Kicking Off Toddler Crying Over Mask

Twitter Bans Video Of United Airlines Kicking Off Toddler Crying Over Mask: United owes its clients compassionate treatment and an evidence-based approach to COVID-19 that doesn’t turn hard situations into impossible ones.

"Families with toddlers who plan to travel over the holidays may want to avoid booking flights with United Airlines. That is, unless they can be sure any child under two years old can keep a mask on their face for an entire flight. As shown in a recent viral video, United is booting families from their aircraft for toddlers’ 'non-compliance' with their mask policy — a policy unfortunately in place, at least in writing, with most other airlines as well."

Newsom recall gains steam as Californians fume over Democrat governor’s pandemic actions

“You just can’t underestimate the depth of people’s anger,” said Susan Kennedy, a former top California gubernatorial aide

Newsom recall gains steam as Californians fume over Democrat governor’s pandemic actions | Just The News

"The recall campaign targeting Gov. Gavin Newsom is looking less like a long-shot bid, as Californians show signs of increasing dissatisfaction with how the Democrat is handling the coronavirus pandemic.

"'The recall is halfway there,' Orrin Heatlie, who is leading the effort, recently told local TV station KPIX-TV."

Espionage Emergency: China 'Floods' America with Spies

Gordon Chang

Espionage Emergency: China 'Floods' America with Spies: Given the emergency, Washington should immediately close down all of China's bases of operation in the U.S., including its four remaining consulates — Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and San Francisco — and substantially reducing the staff of the embassy.

Monday, December 14, 2020

‘Collusion’ vs. Collusion: One can lie about “collusion” with impunity. But to speak the truth about collusion is to be smeared as “xenophobic,” “racist,” and “nativist.”

Victor Davis Hanson

‘Collusion’ vs. Collusion - American Greatness (

Forensic Report of Dominion Voting machines alleges fraud; intentionally high error rate; deletion of data

Forensic Report of Dominion Voting machines alleges fraud; intentionally high error rate; deletion of data | Sharyl Attkisson

"Among the findings, according to the report released today, somebody improperly deleted the 2020 election data, which is required by law to be maintained.

"An examination of the software used in the election, according to the forensic report, shows that it was intentionally designed with vulnerabilities that open it up for potential fraud."

The media said that getting a COVID-19 vaccine before the end of the year was "happy talk" and would take a "miracle."

Watch video:

NewsBusters on Twitter: "FLASHBACK: The media said that getting a COVID-19 vaccine before the end of the year was "happy talk" and would take a "miracle." Turns out they were wrong. Again." / Twitter

Electoral Fraud: The Antrim Michigan Forensics Report

 Microsoft Word - Antrim Michigan Forensics Report 121320(9).docx (

"We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study, we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified."

Time to focus on the reality of the 2020 vote

Time to focus on the reality of the 2020 vote - Liberty Unyielding

"The 2020 election case was always going to come down to this: it was rigged through automated voting systems, apparently using a strategy of focusing on the vote in a handful of battleground states; and in at least one state, the officials of the state were well aware in advance of the system vulnerabilities that facilitated rigging the election."

Media Elites Now Openly Confirm They Don't Believe In Objectivity

Media Elites Now Openly Confirm They Don't Believe In Objectivity: When mainstream media journalists abandon objectivity to push personal ideological agendas, truth is slowly killed off by the collateral damage.

"Advocating against objectivity is journalism’s new cause. Indeed, objectivity in journalism is no longer an industry standard — it’s not even a goal for which to strive. In the new media landscape, objectivity is a “tool of oppression” and a barrier to contextual relativism for which journalists-as-moralists hold the keys."

Sunday, December 13, 2020

No one wants his head to hurt

No one wants his head to hurt. So I'll be brief in mentioning that Nietzsche, the 19th century German philosopher who influenced Hitler (the ubermensch/superman business, for instance), did do some tidy work explaining why complacent Western bourgeois normality would be the death of us. That suggests a number of paradoxes, the first being that complacent normality is a lot better than mobs of ubermenschen running around murdering complacent bourgeois normies. The answer to this problem in America is the "militant normal" individual who does common sense and speaks up in defense of individual rights and freedom. The anti-couch potato.

Pandemic Penitents -- Lockdowns are more about faith than science

Pandemic Penitents | City Journal (

"In 1349, as the Black Death ravaged Europe, a new pandemic-control strategy was adopted in cities across the continent. The protocol was precisely regulated by the experts. Three times a day, for a total of exactly eight hours, hundreds of men known as Flagellants would march in single file through town, wearing caps with a red cross and carrying scourges of knotted ropes studded with nails. 'Using these whips,' one witness reported, 'they beat and whipped their bare skin until their bodies were bruised and swollen and blood rained down, spattering the walls nearby.'"

China's social media warfare database lists key Australians

China state-owned Zhenhua Data's OKIDB targets Mike Cannon-Brookes, Australian space industry in 'hybrid warfare' campaign (

"A Chinese military contractor that boasts of spreading disinformation and promoting conflict has compiled profiles on more than 35,000 Australians from Prime Minister Scott Morrison to billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes as part of a giant global database targeting influential figures.

"The leaked database, revealed by The Australian Financial Review, was compiled by Shenzhen firm Zhenhua Data, which lists the People's Liberation Army and Communist Party among its main clients."

The Vatican’s ‘Council for Inclusive Capitalism’ -- The pope’s latest creepy alliance

The Vatican’s ‘Council for Inclusive Capitalism’ | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

"Under Pope Francis, the Vatican has become almost an annex of the United Nations, serving as a tribune for its propaganda. Not a week passes, it seems, without some new papal endorsement of its schemes, most of which have been hatched by anti-Catholic secularists.

"The latest creepy project to emerge from the Vatican–UN alliance is the “Council for Inclusive Capitalism,” which launched this last week under the direction of Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a former fundraiser for Hillary Clinton."

Major leak 'exposes' members and 'lifts the lid' on the Chinese Communist Party

Major leak 'exposes' members and 'lifts the lid' on the Chinese Communist Party | Sky News Australia

"'It is believed to be the first leak of its kind in the world,' the Sky News host said.

“'What's amazing about this database is not just that it exposes people who are members of the communist party, and who are now living and working all over the world, from Australia to the US to the UK,' Ms Markson said.

“'But it's amazing because it lifts the lid on how the party operates under President and Chairman Xi Jinping'.

"Ms Markson said the leak demonstrates party branches are embedded in some of the world’s biggest companies and even inside government agencies."

Saturday, December 12, 2020

The FDA is outsourcing COVID-19 testing to China

 The FDA is outsourcing COVID-19 testing to China - The Dossier (

"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which has come under fire for seemingly rubber stamping Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for COVID-19 testing without offering virtually any data-driven or appropriate testing standards, has been delivering EUAs to China-based pharmaceutical companies at an alarming rate."

Bill de Blasio Is Bringing NYC Back to Its Darkest Days

 Bill de Blasio Is Bringing NYC Back to Its Darkest Days | Dan Bongino

"Broken windows have returned to New York City – and not just because of the rioters de Blasio has enabled.

"Graffiti is once again on the rise in the city, popping up on storefronts, buildings, construction barricades – and more. The city’s 311 (that handles requests for government and non-emergency services) is no longer taking graffiti complains, and the Graffiti Free NYC removal program has been suspended."

Cuomo restricts NYC's restaurants for no good reason


Friday, December 11, 2020

Andrew Cuomo Is Projecting His Guilt On Staten Island

Andrew Cuomo Is Projecting His Guilt On Staten Island: America's deadliest governor is blaming Staten Island for increased COVID deaths. He should look in the mirror.

"In the early days of the China virus lockdowns, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo made a deadly decision to send COVID-positive patients into the state’s nursing homes. Ok. In the frantic first weeks of the crisis, little was known and many mistakes were made, fair enough. Cuomo could have simply said it was a mistake made during a crisis and moved on. Instead, he wrote a book congratulating himself for his leadership, and now this guy wants to lecture Staten Island."

Cuomo's New Ban Indoor Dining In NYC Is Abject Madness

Cuomo's New Ban Indoor Dining In NYC Is Abject Madness: The science is in. It says keep the restaurants open, but Emperor Cuomo is closing them anyway.

"On Friday, the governor released that data. It does not show that restaurants are a major driver; it shows they accounted for 1.4 percent of spread. And yet, in a move that defies even the basic tenets of common sense, Emperor Cuomo is closing down indoor dining anyway."

Google's YouTube Shuts Down Dilbert Creator Scott Adams

Google's YouTube Shuts Down Dilbert Creator Scott Adams: Google-owned YouTube shut down Dilbert Comic strip creator Scott Adams on Friday, stripping a podcast video off the platform without warning.

Blah, blah, blah...blah, blah


REVEALED: Facebook 'fact-checking certifier' is a Hillary Clinton superfan

REVEALED: Facebook 'fact-checking certifier' is a Hillary Clinton superfan | The Post Millennial

"An outspoken anti-Trump Twitter activist who brags about being on failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's "team" is the independent expert in charge of certifying Facebook fact-checkers."

Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism by Sharyl Attkisson

 Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism: Attkisson, Sharyl: 9780062974693: Books

"When the facts don’t fit their Narrative, the media abandons the facts, not the Narrative. Virtually every piece of information you get through the media has been massaged, shaped, curated, and manipulated before it reaches you. Some of it is censored entirely. The news can no longer be counted on to reflect all the facts. Instead of telling us what happened yesterday, they tell us what’s new in the prepackaged soap opera they’ve been calling the news."

Censorship by YouTube: Will freedom die with a whimper?


"Thousands of operatives"

 Chinese 'honey trap' could hold thousands of operatives (

"While several current and former intelligence and security officials and experts interviewed by Fox News said that it was impossible to put a number on just how many honey trap scenarios might be in motion at present, one former defense and intelligence operative noted that it could be well into the hundreds – if not thousands. Such spies are assumed to be at top universities, known to speak perfect English, and routinely use social media platforms such as Linkedin and Facebook to connect with their prey."

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Plug for the book

It's only 99 cents for the Kindle edition, for God's sake. You don't need an actual Kindle device. You can put it in your personal Amazon Kindle Cloud and read it there.

Corpse in Armor (A Mara Rains Thriller Book 1) - Kindle edition by McPhillips, Martin. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @

From The National Pulse: YouTube Employs Chinese Communist ‘State Secrecy Bureau’ Software Engineers

EXCLUSIVE: YouTube Employs Chinese Communist 'State Secrecy Bureau' Software Engineers (

"A host of software engineers for the platform have formerly worked for Chinese Communist Party-run institutions, raising the question as to why a revolving door exists between YouTube and the China-based universities."

Just another blog?

Nothing I do is just another anything.

China Has Done Nothing But Lie About COVID. Stop Spreading Its Claims

China Has Done Nothing But Lie About COVID. Stop Spreading Its Claims: China should be denied platforms — through the media and international forums — to spread its corrupting lies about the Wuhan virus.

Is there nothing that Dollface can't do?

Goya CEO says company's sales skyrocketed after AOC suggested consumers make their own adobo | Just The News

"The CEO of the food company Goya said this week that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's subtle call for a boycott of the company's products sent their sales skyrocketing, leading the Democratic congresswoman to be designated an honorary "employee of the month" at the corporation."

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

SECRET MILITARY DOCUMENTS: Trudeau invited Chinese troops to train at Canadian military bases


Chinese Professor Reveals Plot in Shock Video: US Elites and China Have Teamed Up to Take Control Of America

 Chinese Professor Reveals Plot in Shock Video: US Elites and China Have Teamed Up to Take Control Of America - Revolver

"In the United States, the press, big tech, and Washington all collaborate to conceal how beholden all of them are to a rising Chinese superpower. But in China, very different norms prevail.

"A remarkable speech by Chinese professor Di Dongsheng, delivered at a November 28 conference in Shanghai, reveals that in China, elites can talk openly about how they have brought foreigners under their sway."

Your Comprehensive Guide To Streaming These 25 Christmas Classics

Your Comprehensive Guide To Streaming These 25 Christmas Classics: The fire is roaring and hot cocoa is almost ready. Here’s how to navigate all the endless streaming services to see these 25 beloved Christmas classics.

Columbia Failed to Disclose $1 Million in CCP Funding

Columbia Failed to Disclose $1 Million in CCP Funding (

"Columbia University failed to disclose at least $1 million in Chinese government funding that went toward hosting a Confucius Institute, which the State Department has described as a part of Beijing's propaganda effort targeting U.S. students."



Why Does Corporate Media Amplify John Brennan’s Neverending Lies?

Why Does Corporate Media Amplify John Brennan’s Neverending Lies?: The only inadvertent benefit of Brennan's airtime is that it exposes how unmoored our ruling class is from the public it is supposed to serve.

A warning label for "the media"

"The media" is a psychological warfare operation. Avoid direct contact with it. Filter it the way you would filter, boil, and treat poisoned water. It is an unrelenting attack on the minds of all Americans

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Fire last night off Springtown Road in New Paltz from about a mile away

The New Paltz Times story:


China's control of Americans at core of American power

Tucker's BOMBSHELL Segment Exposes Chinese Spies Inside Our Government (

The Antidote to Corona Hysteria

Alex Berenson offers an antidote to national hysteria about the corona virus. This should be of particular interest to residents of Ulster County where the dangers of the virus are now being hyped in local media.

This is the first of his three booklets titled Unreported Truths About COVID-19 and Lockdowns:

Unreported Truths about COVID-19 and Lockdowns: Part 1: Introduction and Death Counts and Estimates: Berenson, Alex: 9781953039019: Books

Fast Track to the Supreme Court

Just before midnight last night, the State of Texas sued the states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin over their election rules. When states sue other states the Supreme Court has original jurisdiction.

Yesterday the President said that big things would happen in the next couple of days. This is one of them.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Facebook censoring article about their Chinese-funded "fact checker"

"Facebook is now censoring this article for the crime of criticizing the corrupt, China-funded fake fact-checker used by Facebook to censor American media companies."

Sean Davis on Twitter: "Facebook is now censoring this article for the crime of criticizing the corrupt, China-funded fake fact-checker used by Facebook to censor American media companies." / Twitter

More Censorship by Kingston Daily Freeman

Not yet the moment for analyzing the depth and degree of what the Kingston Freeman editors are doing to prevent the raising of serious questions about their conduct and the conduct of the Associated Press during the contested presidential election, but here's another comment on one of those AP stories that has just been censored ("removed" without being posted). Comment was made on AP story titled, "Trump Tactics to Overturn Election Could Have Staying Power."

The censored comment:

"Plenty of information available that suggests Trump isn't going anywhere and will prevail in *this* contested election. Maybe people are confused. This is not about recounting individual votes as was the case in the 2000 Bush v. Gore election. This is about whether or not entire classes of illegal votes are tossed. That's the basic proposition that has been true since the first few days after the election. Ultimately, perhaps, the Supreme Court will make that call. Or something else will happen. If anyone tells you that Trump's claims are 'baseless' or 'without merit' you are being misled. Yogi put it best: 'It ain't over 'til it's over.'"

Twitter thread by former Cuomo staffer on how people are "deathly afraid" of him

Lindsey Boylan on Twitter: "Most toxic team environment? Working for @NYGovCuomo." / Twitter

"If people weren’t deathly afraid of him, they’d be saying the same thing and you’d already know the stories."

Censorship by Daily Freeman

"Between the news blackout of the election contests in several states interrupted by shallow nonsense about how 'baseless' they are, you run this doom and gloom [Associated Press] reportage where the unemployment rate is actually going down even as you promote more corona hysteria. The AP, of course, is the poisoned groundwater of the U.S. media. Garbage in, garbage out. And sick."

Comment (on one of the many biased Associated Press stories they carry) removed by Daily Freeman editors.

Is the Mainstream Media Lying? – J.R. Nyquist Blog

 Is the Mainstream Media Lying? – J.R. Nyquist Blog

"Ask yourself: Is censorship the tool of truth-tellers or liars? Look around the world and you will find that regimes predicated on lies are regimes of censorship. We call these regimes “totalitarian.” And that is where we’re headed if present trends continue. The Ministry of Truth — as George Orwell called it — is converging on us. It has us by the throat." -- Jeff Nyquist, "Is the Mainstream Media Lying?"

GoFundMe Campaign on Behalf of the Family of New Paltz Police Officer Still Suspended Without Pay

 Fundraiser by Todd Fillette : Supporting Robert's Family (

Austria Takes a Step Toward Mandatory National Vaccines for All Adults 18 and Over

Austria Takes a Step Toward Mandatory National Vaccines for All Adults 18 and Over