Sunday, January 31, 2021

Saturday, January 30, 2021


Quoth the Raven.

Was 5 degrees earlier. Now it's 12.

Coffee. Brain freeze. Coffee.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Obstruction boomerang: FBI knew DOJ was preparing to fire Comey long before Trump ordered it

Obstruction boomerang: FBI knew DOJ was preparing to fire Comey long before Trump ordered it | Just The News

"Newly declassified FBI memos provide startling new details that undercut the frenzied 2017 effort to investigate Donald Trump for obstruction, revealing the FBI knew Director James Comey's firing had been conceived by Justice Department leadership long before the president pulled the trigger during a key moment in the Russia probe."

It's not "interesting"

It's not "interesting." That would be the wrong word. "Frightening" as it is, that's the wrong word as well. Maybe the right description is "like getting hit by a truck in slow motion."

Start where? I think that the corona virus lockdowns in combination with the George Floyd riots. That was what? End of May, early June? Weird. That was the you can't work or go out but be respectful of the "mostly peaceful" riots. De Blasio almost said it exactly like that. The mostly peaceful riots were "historic" so the rules, the new rules of lockdown, didn't apply. He said that.

Then there was the Biden candidacy. The virtual everything. The virtual convention. The virtual campaigning of a let's face it half-dead candidate. Campaign rallies with a dozen people seated in white circles drawn on the ground, like the on deck circles at the baseball stadiums.

Meanwhile, President Trump is everywhere at big rallies of tens of thousands of people. He gives big speeches. He's even in and out of the hospital with the corona. The media hates him, hates everything he does or says, but his supporters love him. He shows up, they show up. Meanwhile, the half-dead candidate is back in his basement barely able to utter a coherent sentence. Sometimes he's gone for the day. No one sees him.

Then there's the election and all that goes on with that. No need to run through it again just now. I refer you to Rudy Giuliani for what I believe about it.

Then there's the installation. DC is empty. The Mall is empty. But there are 25,000 National Guardsmen on duty to protect...who knows what from who knows what threat.

Like the campaign you have a half-dead Biden, now being sworn in.

A couple of weeks before that President Trump, the sitting President, is censored everywhere. His friends and supporters, like me, are also censored. General Flynn is censored. But everyone is ready. There's a new social media platform to go right to, it's called Parler. Then Parler is not just censored, it's destroyed, and then attacked by the media as unsafe, de-platformed, run out of business.

And there we are, approximately. Slandered as insurrectionists and "white supremacists," and now a "threat to democracy."

Nope. I don't believe that for a second.

I don't believe that 80 million Americans would vote for a cognitively diminished man, who can barely get out a coherent thought, to be President of the United States. Liberals are stupid enough to do that, but there are not close to 80 million of them.

Suppression of questions

The notices that Twitter and facebook appended to posts questioning the validity of the election was classical Marxist suppression of questions. "See here, elections are by their very nature valid in America. Questioning their outcomes is off limits. Such questions are not free speech or free inquiry, but disinformation and conspiracy theories."

Persist in your questioning and you got tossed. Take a knee and accept the "valid outcome" and you can stay.

Nothing presents a more convincing argument that the election was a fraud than the suppression of questions and the denunciation of those who would persist in asking them.

That right there is the battle.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Bad Henry

After Hank Aaron died yesterday morning there were a lot of clips showing up of him hitting. Many of them were in slow motion. Saw enough to notice something that I think I had seen before but didn't really pay attention to. It was the way he adjusted in the middle of a swing.

When you watch two of his great contemporaries, Mantle and Mays, they have utterly immodest swings. They swing like there is no tomorrow. Big, long, powerful swings.

Hank's swing is by comparison very modest. In slow motion you can see him adjust his bat. A high inside pitch and he adjusts his bat up and tight. Great vision and lightning reflexes.

Aaron should have been inducted into the Hall of Fame five times. Once for his total bases. Once for his runs scored. Once for his hits. Once for his runs batted in. Once for the home runs.

Just to clarify how much better he was than most of the other players in the Hall.

Quick take

Quick take: Anti-Americanism became dominant force on the Left, spread through American media, colleges, non-profits. Made recruitment by foreign intel much easier. Government is full of these compromised people. Same with media. They are the vector for Chinese conquest of U.S.

The poisoned groundwater of fake news

There is nothing that the Associated Press can be relied on to report accurately. It is the poisoned groundwater of fake news. And it's everywhere.

The power sweep

The Communists, much in the same manner as Vince Lombardi and the old Packers, always run the same plays. And their attitude is "you didn't stop it last time, so here it comes again." Edward Jay Epstein showed this in his book "Deception: The Invisible War between KGB and CIA."

Note from January 6

Great rally today. Great speech by the President. Then Mitch McConnell got up in Senate and lied about massive election fraud. He should have integrated everything Rudy has found by now. Should know it in detail. Instead, he pretended it doesn't exist. Now, that is violence.

Have to understand how lying at that level is violence. Like when Duranty of The New York Times lied about Stalin's terror famine in Ukraine. Lying in high positions is violence. Like when Obama called ISIS the JV. Like when Mitch said there was no widespread election fraud.

The censorship protocols

I've watched the censorship protocols develop over several years. They are not unsophisticated, but they are simple enough so that even dolt editors at local dailies can apply them. Also, obvious by now to most, the money orders "conservative" media outfits around.

The entire "conservative" media infrastructure is useless, and that includes the editors and writers with very few exceptions. Everyone has to decide but I think Breitbart and The Federalist are garbage. Fox News, of course, is well-despised. But it will go deeper than that.

"Words of Division" -- Heather Mac Donald's take on Biden's inaugural speech

Words of Division | City Journal (

"It’s an odd way to seek national unity: call a significant portion of the American public white supremacists, racists, and nativists. Welcome to the Biden presidency.

"Joe Biden’s inaugural speech as 46th president is predictably being hailed for its “unifying” message. And just as predictably, his invocations of the divisive bromides of the identitarian Left are being swept under the rug."

Cup of poison

"The media" is a cup of poison that every enemy of America, foreign and domestic, desperately wants every American to drink from. Psychological warfare is war. Those who wage it are enemy combatants.

Twitter is now the censorship king. With facebook coming in second.

The new censorship regime on "social media" isn't really that new. Someone pointed out that it was a year and a half from Twitter banning Alex Jones to banning the President of the United States.

But it's at full stride now. I had a miniscule 830 followers on Twitter (that's nothing if you're unfamiliar with Twitter). My account was suspended the same day as President Trump's, General Michael Flynn's, and attorney Sidney Powell's. I was honored to be in such company. Wondering what prompted my suspension, which appears to be permanent, I narrowed it down to about a half-dozen things, one of which was my blunt criticism of Republicans. Brutal more than blunt.

"McConnell is a gangster" was one of the tweets that might have done it. Because for a few hours there Mitch was the Left's best friend, before he went back into his turtle shell.

The great thing about being banned, or suspended, by Twitter is that they do not tell you why, or at least they didn't tell me. Nice to know that I was important enough to go out with the President, who had 80 something million followers.

Austria Takes a Step Toward Mandatory National Vaccines for All Adults 18 and Over

Austria Takes a Step Toward Mandatory National Vaccines for All Adults 18 and Over