Friday, August 27, 2021

‘The Real Anthony Fauci’

‘The Real Anthony Fauci’: Today, Dr. Anthony Fauci is a household hero to half of America. Drug companies, government officials and the pharma-funded corporate media invoke his name to justify lockdowns, masks and experimental vaccines. A recent editorial in a leading medical journal urged Congress to make it a felony to publicly criticize Dr. Fauci. Encouraging his own deification, Dr. Fauci has declared that all those who questioned his pronouncements are “anti-science.” But who is Dr. Fauci really? In my new book, I show that Dr. Fauci has done little to earn the sobriquet  “America’s Doctor.”  The Real Anthony Fauci... Kennedy Jr., Robert F. … Continue reading →

Xi Jinping Openly Attributes His Genocidal Tyranny To Marxism

Xi Jinping Openly Attributes His Genocidal Tyranny To Marxism: Xi Jinping asserts the Communist Party and its socialist ideology are the primary drivers of his policies, which include slave labor, rape, and torture.

"Anyone who thinks Marxism-Leninism is an incidental factor in the governance of Communist China should read the address of Chinese President Xi Jinping marking the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)."

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Ulster County Executive Explains He's a Clueless Numbskull

Numbskull. A Dodo. Never knew what he was doing. Never will.

Ulster County coronavirus surge worries Ryan – Daily Freeman

Kingston Freeman Slob Thugs At It Again: On Biden Today


Senile (broad cognitive impairment), psychotic (can't reality test), and psychopathic (no conscience or empathy). Quite a combination in a President. It's like having your typical Leftist internet troll getting lost on the way to the store but responsible for national security and the lives of 330 million people.

George Mason University Prof Who Challenged Vaxx Mandate Speaks Out

George Mason University Prof Who Challenged Vaxx Mandate Speaks Out: George Mason University tried to penalize Zywicki for possessing the 'wrong type' of COVID immunity, but he just wasn’t having it.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Why The Military’s Covid Vaccination Mandate Is An Ethical Abomination

Why The Military’s Covid Vaccination Mandate Is An Ethical Abomination: If the government can mandate vaccines in the name of health and welfare, then it can mandate any other procedures as well.

"The American national security state has a long history of undermining the right to informed consent. In the 1950s, the CIA sprayed all of San Francisco with a bacterial marking agent as part of a secret biochemical warfare test. Eleven San Franciscans were made ill. One of them died. In congressional testimony, Dr. Leonard Cole, a bioweapons expert at Rutgers University, revealed the U.S. Army conducted “hundreds” more such tests across the American heartland during the Cold War."


In response to an inept story at the Kingston Freeman about rising corona cases in Ulster County:

"The vaccines put selection pressure on the virus, the virus produces vaccine resistant strains, the vaccinated get corona. This is why mass vaccination during a pandemic is a mistake. But resistant strains are not the only problem. The vaccines have serious side effects that often resemble corona infection. Why? Because the vaccines consist of billions of strands of mRNA that slip into cells and cause them to produce the corona spike protein which then causes the production of antibodies, but the spike protein is the most dangerous part of the corona virus. It is likely therefore that side effects will often resemble corona symptoms sufficiently to be diagnosed as covid. And that is also not the end of it."

These stupid slugs who pretend to edit the Freeman have never bothered to learn the first thing about the corona virus epidemic. Not the first thing. But believe me, they understand very well the violence involved in censorship, and they engage in it all the time.

Suppose the water is bad and the local communications outfit not only refuses to inform its readers that the water is bad but refuses to allow readers to do so in comments? Imagine you're being told you are being taken to a "work camp" because you are unfit to live among your fellow Germans and you'll be there for just a little while. Anyone who tries to tell you what is really waiting for you is shut right the hell up, one way or the other. The censorship itself is the violence. It's like telling someone to hurry down to the dark basement "for protection" but failing to mention that the basement stairs have been removed. Hurry!

Monday, August 23, 2021

The Bigtime Lazy Slobs At Kingston Freeman Do It Again

They ran the predictable AP story this morning announcing that the FDA has given "full approval" to the Pfizer vaccine.

I characterize this "full approval" as criminal. They censored again:

"Criminal. Will have to be addressed at a Nuremberg level tribunal, and that will include negligence and censorship by the media, nationally and locally. The Nuremberg Doctors Trial will be the model. If you are in a position to report to the public the dangers of this vaccine (and the others) and all you did was pass along wire reports that present government declarations as fact, then you are on the hook for it. No 'just following orders' defense. No 'we didn't know.'"

Lazy Slobs at Kingston Freeman Censor Again

They're low-lifes of the lowest order. Over the past five years they allowed endless comments about Trump that were utterly demeaning. Here's one they just censored. First I quote from a letter to the editor about Biden's last press conference. One line. Then offer my take on what we are seeing. Censored:

"'I couldn’t imagine any way he could have been more pathetic.'

"It's the anti-seizure medication. One good thing about the corporate world is that it rarely tolerates anything like this. Unless the CEO or board chairman in question is also the largest stockholder. From another perspective, it is amazing that he has gotten this far. Non compos mentis."

As everyone but the Freeman slobs knows, Biden has had at least one brain surgery. His noticeable slowness and flat demeanor suggest medication, and the first of those meds would be those that lower the probability of seizures.

The low-life slobs at the Freeman are at it again and need to be reminded.


They're lazy lazy bigoted slobs at the Freeman, as unaware of the news environment as they are of history.

From a Reuters article dated June 22, 2011 with headline "Biden and Axelrod make fight against epilepsy personal":

"Biden suffered an aneurysm that nearly killed him in 1988. He grappled with the effects of two seizures and seven months of hospitalization. His treatment included anti-seizure drugs, which Biden described as 'numbing.'"

UPDATE: The lazy Freeman slobs have now also censored the quote cited from the Reuters article. Committing more violence.

Friday, August 20, 2021

Why do we always need to learn things the hard way? Summary, key lessons...

Lara Logan on Tucker Carlson explains what happened in Afghanistan

More Revolting Censorship From Low-Life Scum at the Kingston Freeman

Almost forgot about how they don't like any criticism of the media and especially of the New York Times, which I believe they worship as their god.

They ran a gleeful AP story about the new vaccine apartheid in New York City declared by its criminal mayor, de Blasio.

Meanwhile, the Times finally acknowledged that the most heavily vaxxed country of all, Israel, is showing vaccine failure, in a big way. So I took note of it like this:

"Apparently, just today the NY Times has stopped lying about Israel. Although the Times will never stop lying, in general, and probably not about the pandemic specifically (it's not in their soul to be truthful), at least they've gone this far."

Too much for those lazy slobs. They can't allow their readers to see a disparaging comment about the Almighty Times. Particularly any suggestion that its coverage of the pandemic and more importantly of the vaccines was anything less than truthful.

Lazy, lazy, slob lazy bums, run the Kingston Freeman.

CENSORSHIP IS VIOLENCE and with the pandemic and the vaccines censorship has killed.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Gaspingly Serious

 Dr. Mike Yeadon, Former Pfizer VP latest message - Everyone must listen (

How Parents Are Holding Schools Accountable For Politicizing Education

How Parents Are Holding Schools Accountable For Politicizing Education: Laura Zorc explains how to hold school boards accountable for allowing CRT, radical gender theory, and politically motivated mask mandates in classrooms.

Low-Life Bums at the Kingston Freeman Could Not Care Less: The Biden Administration Is Lying About The Border

The Biden Administration Is Lying About The Border: Federal authorities made more than 212,000 arrests at the border in July. By any measure, the border crisis is now an unmitigated humanitarian disaster.

Watch. This. Video.


Have the Rotten Low-Life Bum Censors at the Kingston Freeman Gotten this News: Hunter Biden’s Prostitute Videos Indict His Father And U.S. Intelligence


Hunter Biden’s Prostitute Videos Indict His Father And U.S. Intelligence: The issue here is not Hunter’s addiction or illegal behavior. Rather, it’s the intense corruption of the media, intelligence agencies, and president.

Disgusting low-life fraud bums at the Kingston Freeman are back at censorship and...


They constantly run worthless Associated Press stories that advance The Narrative and their political agenda. One of the recent ones...

Schools fight back against GOP governors, defy bans on masks – Daily Freeman part of the media effort to defame DeSantis in Florida.

So they censored a comment I made just this morning. With their ultra-low-brow Party Line adherence this was just too much for them, too well-said, and too absolutely on the mark:

"Other than the fact that plain cloth masks are useless against virus and the fact that kids do not need them if they did work and the fact that they are unhealthy (recirculating too much respiratory effluent and CO2 in particular), why would anyone object to forcing kids to wear them? After all, it's not like it's not sadistic enough to keep white Progressives happy and what other reason is there for mandating anything?"

Sunday, August 8, 2021

The Nanny State Meets the Marquis de Sade

Using social justice totems to worship state power—all in the name of ‘public health’—is the acme of pandemic-era journalism.

"If you want a picture of the present, imagine Anthony Fauci in studded leather bullwhipping hordes of the unvaccinated and unmasked until they learn to experience their punishment as pleasure. Or you could just read this Rolling Stone article from a few days ago that expresses the spirit of the moral revolution reshaping American society more pointedly than any intellectual analysis: “Meet the Dommes Who Are Demanding Their Submissives Get Vaxxed.”"

Friday, August 6, 2021

US Generals Lied, Lost Wars, And Looted Those They Claimed To Serve

US Generals Lied, Lost Wars, And Looted Those They Claimed To Serve: Military leaders failed to properly account for their own efforts, misled the public, and racked up cushy paychecks post-war. They deserve to be punished.

Monday, August 2, 2021

If You Don't Suspect Provocation At The Jan. 6 Riot, Start Paying Attention

If You Don't Suspect Provocation At The Jan. 6 Riot, Start Paying Attention: It's required to ask at the outset of leftists' 1/6 'Truth Commission': How much of what led to Donald Trump supporters 'storming the capitol' was a setup?

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Deep Dive into COVID

Another good interview with Dr. Robert Malone, this one contained to 48 minutes. Significant here is that this is hosted by Peter Navarro, which is an early signal for where President Trump is headed on this question. (Big ships turn slowly.) One important glitch in Malone's presentation is that he accepts the CDC notion that natural immunity is as limited in duration as the vaccines. There's data out of Israel that says otherwise, significantly otherwise. And Malone has some conventional limitations in his perspective. But hold off on that and get the important change here.

Episode 1,137 – Deep Dive into COVID (

Austria Takes a Step Toward Mandatory National Vaccines for All Adults 18 and Over

Austria Takes a Step Toward Mandatory National Vaccines for All Adults 18 and Over