Friday, August 27, 2021
‘The Real Anthony Fauci’
Xi Jinping Openly Attributes His Genocidal Tyranny To Marxism
Thursday, August 26, 2021
Ulster County Executive Explains He's a Clueless Numbskull
Ulster County coronavirus surge worries Ryan – Daily Freeman
Kingston Freeman Slob Thugs At It Again: On Biden Today
George Mason University Prof Who Challenged Vaxx Mandate Speaks Out
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
New N.Y. Gov. Hochul Says Cuomo Hid Nearly 12,000 COVID Deaths
You Don't Need To Go To Kabul To See The End Of American Order
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Why The Military’s Covid Vaccination Mandate Is An Ethical Abomination
In response to an inept story at the Kingston Freeman about rising corona cases in Ulster County:
"The vaccines put selection pressure on the virus, the virus produces vaccine resistant strains, the vaccinated get corona. This is why mass vaccination during a pandemic is a mistake. But resistant strains are not the only problem. The vaccines have serious side effects that often resemble corona infection. Why? Because the vaccines consist of billions of strands of mRNA that slip into cells and cause them to produce the corona spike protein which then causes the production of antibodies, but the spike protein is the most dangerous part of the corona virus. It is likely therefore that side effects will often resemble corona symptoms sufficiently to be diagnosed as covid. And that is also not the end of it."Monday, August 23, 2021
The Bigtime Lazy Slobs At Kingston Freeman Do It Again
They ran the predictable AP story this morning announcing that the FDA has given "full approval" to the Pfizer vaccine.
I characterize this "full approval" as criminal. They censored again:
"Criminal. Will have to be addressed at a Nuremberg level tribunal, and that will include negligence and censorship by the media, nationally and locally. The Nuremberg Doctors Trial will be the model. If you are in a position to report to the public the dangers of this vaccine (and the others) and all you did was pass along wire reports that present government declarations as fact, then you are on the hook for it. No 'just following orders' defense. No 'we didn't know.'"Lazy Slobs at Kingston Freeman Censor Again
They're low-lifes of the lowest order. Over the past five years they allowed endless comments about Trump that were utterly demeaning. Here's one they just censored. First I quote from a letter to the editor about Biden's last press conference. One line. Then offer my take on what we are seeing. Censored:
"'I couldn’t imagine any way he could have been more pathetic.'"It's the anti-seizure medication. One good thing about the corporate world is that it rarely tolerates anything like this. Unless the CEO or board chairman in question is also the largest stockholder. From another perspective, it is amazing that he has gotten this far. Non compos mentis."
From a Reuters article dated June 22, 2011 with headline "Biden and Axelrod make fight against epilepsy personal":
"Biden suffered an aneurysm that nearly killed him in 1988. He grappled with the effects of two seizures and seven months of hospitalization. His treatment included anti-seizure drugs, which Biden described as 'numbing.'"
Friday, August 20, 2021
More Revolting Censorship From Low-Life Scum at the Kingston Freeman
Almost forgot about how they don't like any criticism of the media and especially of the New York Times, which I believe they worship as their god.
They ran a gleeful AP story about the new vaccine apartheid in New York City declared by its criminal mayor, de Blasio.
Meanwhile, the Times finally acknowledged that the most heavily vaxxed country of all, Israel, is showing vaccine failure, in a big way. So I took note of it like this:
"Apparently, just today the NY Times has stopped lying about Israel. Although the Times will never stop lying, in general, and probably not about the pandemic specifically (it's not in their soul to be truthful), at least they've gone this far."Thursday, August 19, 2021
The Counter Culture Mom Show w/ Tina Griffin - Dr. Richard Fleming: COVID-19 is a Bioweapon 8/18/21
Dr. Fleming is always a gentleman, particularly when engaging with a lay person like Tina Griffin. This is excellent, though Dr. Fleming calls Hermann Goering "William." I think. Of all the great doctors I've paid attention to, Fleming is the most comprehensive.
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
There's lazy and then there is...
...Slob Lazy: The Kingston Freeman. Ulster County's grand embarrassment among many high embarrassments.
Monday, August 16, 2021
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Friday, August 13, 2021
How Parents Are Holding Schools Accountable For Politicizing Education
Low-Life Bums at the Kingston Freeman Could Not Care Less: The Biden Administration Is Lying About The Border
Have the Rotten Low-Life Bum Censors at the Kingston Freeman Gotten this News: Hunter Biden’s Prostitute Videos Indict His Father And U.S. Intelligence
Disgusting low-life fraud bums at the Kingston Freeman are back at censorship and...
They constantly run worthless Associated Press stories that advance The Narrative and their political agenda. One of the recent ones...
Schools fight back against GOP governors, defy bans on masks – Daily Freeman part of the media effort to defame DeSantis in Florida.
So they censored a comment I made just this morning. With their ultra-low-brow Party Line adherence this was just too much for them, too well-said, and too absolutely on the mark:
"Other than the fact that plain cloth masks are useless against virus and the fact that kids do not need them if they did work and the fact that they are unhealthy (recirculating too much respiratory effluent and CO2 in particular), why would anyone object to forcing kids to wear them? After all, it's not like it's not sadistic enough to keep white Progressives happy and what other reason is there for mandating anything?"Thursday, August 12, 2021
Meet Bettina Love, A Critical Race Theorist Coming To A School Near You
Monday, August 9, 2021
Guy Who Thinks You Should Die At 75 Wants To Take Over FDA
Sunday, August 8, 2021
The Nanny State Meets the Marquis de Sade
Friday, August 6, 2021
US Generals Lied, Lost Wars, And Looted Those They Claimed To Serve
Thursday, August 5, 2021
With Biden’s Illegal ‘Eviction Moratorium’ Democrats Embrace Lawlessness
Monday, August 2, 2021
If You Don't Suspect Provocation At The Jan. 6 Riot, Start Paying Attention
Sunday, August 1, 2021
Deep Dive into COVID
Austria Takes a Step Toward Mandatory National Vaccines for All Adults 18 and Over
Austria Takes a Step Toward Mandatory National Vaccines for All Adults 18 and Over
Andrew Cuomo takes gaslighting to shocking extremes ( "Somebody needs to tell Gov. Andrew Cuomo that when you are in a hol...
Man Awakens After 12 Years in a "Vegetative State," Says "I Was Aware of Everything" - : In the 1980’s, 12-...