Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Facemasks Are Not a Mere “Inconvenience”

Facemasks Are Not a Mere “Inconvenience”: . The goal of this article is to enumerate some of the myriad harms and emotional abuses inflicted by forced masking, specifically those that are difficult to articulate or identify the connection to masking.

HORROR: Four Young Soccer Stars from Four Different Countries Die This Week After Suffering Sudden Heart Attacks

HORROR: Four Young Soccer Stars from Four Different Countries Die This Week After Suffering Sudden Heart Attacks: Four young international soccer stars died this week after suffering a sudden heart attack. Croatian footballer Marin Cacic, Oman international player Mukhaled Al-Raqadi, Egyptian goalkeeper Ahmed Amin, and  Algerian football player Sofiane Loukar all died this week, the COVID world reported. On December 22, Oman international player Mukhaled Al-Raqadi, aged 29, tragically died after collapsing during…

Monday, December 20, 2021

The Kingston Freeman is not a newspaper

The Kingston Freeman is a public information and propaganda arm of various governments, from local Ulster County governments up to the New York State government and the Federal government.

It is also a propaganda arm for various ideological causes, including gun control, corona virus restrictions, censorship, and the biggest movement in America at the moment: stupidity.  

Sunday, December 19, 2021

The Witches of Beastwick and the Stalinpaltz Rigor Mortis-Highball

The Stalinpaltz Rigor Mortis-Highball is the weekly newspaper formerly known as the New Paltz Times. It doesn't have a staff of writers. It has a coven.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

LA Schools Host LGBT Club For 4-Year-Olds, Teach 'Two Spirit' Sexuality

"The Los Angeles Unified School District’s Office of Human Relations, Equity and Diversity hosted a 10-week online club for LGBT elementary schoolers, down to four-year-olds. It also prepared a series of presentations that promoted leftwing gender theory and deviant sexualities including the “Two Spirit” sexuality."

LA Schools Host LGBT Club For 4-Year-Olds, Teach 'Two Spirit' Sexuality: LA public schools hosted an LGBT club for kindergarteners and even promoted a lesson plan that would teach K-12 students about 'two spirit' sexuality.

How Could They Have Done This to the Children?

How Could They Have Done This to the Children?: Some have claimed that our policies to children reflect “following the science.” They do not. There is no science to support primary school closure. No science supported prolonged (>1 year) closure for any age. No science supported outdoor cloth mask mandates for young kids, and no science supported deviating from the WHO guidance. These policies meanwhile have devastating consequences for the well-being of childre

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Media: 'Hardcore Vaccine Refuseniks' May Need To Be 'Deradicalized' Like 'Terrorists' And 'Punished'

Anyone still think that this has anything to do with the corona virus?

Media: 'Hardcore Vaccine Refuseniks' May Need To Be 'Deradicalized' Like 'Terrorists' And 'Punished': The UK media is running reports citing 'experts' insisting that 'hardcore vaccine refuseniks' may need to be 'deradicalized' like 'terrorists,' 'punished' and subjected to .

Forcing People Into COVID Vaccines Ignores Important Scientific Data

Forcing People Into COVID Vaccines Ignores Important Scientific Data: Now more than ever we need real debate about decisions that affect the health of hundreds of millions of people, instead we get censorship and suppression.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

PCR Tests and the Rise of Disease Panic

PCR Tests and the Rise of Disease Panic: Despite the CDC’s own admission that PCR tests “may not indicate the presence of infectious virus," its use to do exactly that in the case of Covid was accepted without question. Worse still, the measures taken against calling PCR into question have become progressively more draconian and underhanded since the very beginning.

Monday, December 6, 2021

Media’s Systemic Corruption Is Far Worse Than Chris Cuomo’s Coverup

Media’s Systemic Corruption Is Far Worse Than Chris Cuomo’s Coverup: How is the media’s reporting, born of its incestuous relationship with government partisans, any less troubling than the help Chris Cuomo gave his brother?

Vaccine Segregation And Quarantine Camps Should Scare You Into Action

Vaccine Segregation And Quarantine Camps Should Scare You Into Action: While patriots battle draconian Covid measures in the United States, a watchful eye must be kept on the laws subsuming Europe in medical tyranny.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Roger Kimball: Oh, Oh, Omicron!

The new COVID variant is an excuse for control—the little frisson that comes with the exercise of power and lording it over other people. 

Oh, Oh, Omicron! › American Greatness (amgreatness.com)

"So why the panic? Partly, it is because panic is an antidote to boredom. People are heavily bored. Panic also licenses the people who want to run your life to, well, run your life. “Most Omicron cases so far have been mild,” runs one headline, “but experts say it will take weeks to understand how severe the variant can be.” Ah, “experts”! What would we do without them?"

Here Comes the Limited Hangout

America’s Nixonian press corps takes a page from the Watergate playbook to try and cover up its active role in the criminal Russiagate hoax

Here Comes the Limited Hangout - Tablet Magazine

"Whether Hillary Clinton was aware of the crimes committed between 2016 and 2020 to further her political ambitions is a question that may never be answered. What has been proved beyond any shadow of doubt by the U.S. Justice Department over the past few months is that top operatives in her 2016 campaign used concocted falsehoods to leverage active law enforcement officials who in turn used U.S. government programs and resources to spy on the Trump campaign—a violation of American political norms whose only real parallel is Watergate. We also know that under the pretext of “investigating collusion,” at least 40 Obama officials, including then-Vice President Joe Biden, spied on the Trump team. There is circumstantial evidence that Barack Obama knew what was going on, but since, miraculously, no one has ever publicly asked him about Russiagate, not even once, he hasn’t had the opportunity to either lie or come clean."

Saturday, December 4, 2021

A Medical News Site and Its Misinformation

A Medical News Site and Its Misinformation: The first step should be to correct errors, a minimal obligation of all ethical journalism. A second step requires more balanced reporting about the pandemic by, for example, honestly reporting about the success of the pandemic strategies employed by Florida and the Scandinavian countries. The alternative is a continuing erosion of trust in medicine and public health.

John Tierney: Covid’s Three Blind Mice

A new book reveals how the troika of Fauci, Birx, and Redfield hijacked America’s pandemic response.

Review of A Plague Upon Our House by Scott Atlas | City Journal (city-journal.org)

"How could public officials vowing to “follow the science” on Covid-19 persist in promoting ineffective strategies with terrible consequences? In a memoir of his time on the White House Coronavirus Task Force, Scott W. Atlas provides an answer: because the nation’s governance was hijacked by three bureaucrats with scant interest in scientific research or debate—and no concern for the calamitous effects of their edicts."

Vaccine Mandates: Unscientific, Divisive, and Enormously Costly

Vaccine Mandates: Unscientific, Divisive, and Enormously Costly: Mandates run counter to the universal medical dictum of risk stratification, whereby treatment is tailored to individuals based on individual risks and benefits to be accrued. They also violate the dominant philosophy of evidence-based medicine, which supports the use of current best evidence when making decisions about patient care.

Friday, December 3, 2021

The Power of Regular People

Like facts, juries are stubborn things.

Rittenhouse, Arbery Cases Show the Power of Regular Folks (city-journal.org)

"John Adams famously said that facts are stubborn things. With recent verdicts in Wisconsin and Georgia, the media are finding out that juries are stubborn things, too. Thankfully, jurors still tend to follow the law and the facts, regardless of social pressures."

Cleveland Clinic Healthcare System Suspends Vaccine Mandate

Cleveland Clinic Healthcare System Suspends Vaccine Mandate

Press We Can - Lee Smith's Seminal Outline of the Media Role in Creating the Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory

Press We Can - Lee Smith's Seminal Outline of the Media Role in Creating the Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory

DC Democrats Claim Victory Over Inflation With Temporary Two Cent Drop in Gasoline Prices - Their Emphasis Explains Why They Need Omicron

DC Democrats Claim Victory Over Inflation With Temporary Two Cent Drop in Gasoline Prices - Their Emphasis Explains Why They Need Omicron

Healthy Woman Describes Time As Prisoner In Australia Quarantine Camp

Healthy Woman Describes Time As Prisoner In Australia Quarantine Camp: The Australian government is imprisoning people it deems COVID risks and forcing them into isolation in state-sanctioned quarantine camps.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

"He Doesn't Represent Science to Me, He Represents Mengele, Dr. Joseph Mengele, the Nazi Doctor" - Lara Logan on Megalomaniac Tony Fauci (VIDEO)

"He Doesn't Represent Science to Me, He Represents Mengele, Dr. Joseph Mengele, the Nazi Doctor" - Lara Logan on Megalomaniac Tony Fauci (VIDEO): Investigative reporter and FOX News contributor Lara Logan responded to Dr. Tony Fauci’s recent statement that he is “science” and challenging him is challenging “science.” Lara Logan had other thoughts on Dr. Fauci, comparing him to notorious Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele. Via Midnight Rider. We agree. When all is said and done and the waters…

Springtime for Hitler and..Germany Is Medically Segregating The Unvaccinated From Public Life

It has taken them seventy-five years but they have finally found a replacement for Jews.

Germany Is Medically Segregating The Unvaccinated From Public Life: Germany enacted restrictions on Thursday prohibiting citizens who haven't received a COVID vaccine from entering most public venues and businesses.

Victor Davis Hanson: Third Worldizing America

Our elites, like the Third World rich, have mastered ignoring—and navigating around—the misery of others in their midst.

Third Worldizing America › American Greatness (amgreatness.com)

"In a medieval-type society of two rather than three classes, the rich in walled estates rarely worry that much about thievery. Crime is written off as an intramural problem of the poor, especially when the middle class is in decline or nonexistent. 

"Violent crime is now soaring in America. But two things are different about America’s new criminality."

Steve Kirsch: Fact checking the fact checkers

It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it.

Fact checking the fact checkers - Steve Kirsch's newsletter (substack.com)

"43. How come the NIH and WHO did absolutely nothing when the fluvoxamine Phase 3 trial was published in Lancet? They didn't even note it in the guidelines. Did you protest that? Why not? It’s December 2, 2021 and the fluvoxamine recommendation was Last Updated: April 23, 2021. The Lancet article was widely covered by all major media, but the NIH did nothing. How do you explain that? Why aren’t you spending your valuable time focusing on that?"

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Forced to Get Vaccine to Remain on Lung Transplant List, 49-Year-Old Who Survived COVID Dies After Second Moderna Shot

 Exclusive: Forced to Get Vaccine to Remain on Lung Transplant List, 49-Year-Old Who Survived COVID Dies After Second Moderna Shot • Children's Health Defense (childrenshealthdefense.org)

Prager: A Brief Guide to Leftist Destruction

By Dennis Prager

A Brief Guide to Leftist Destruction › American Greatness (amgreatness.com)


Steve Kirsch: We're suing the Los Angeles unified school district to stop the vaccine mandate

By Steve Kirsch

We're suing the Los Angeles unified school district to stop the vaccine mandate (substack.com)

"Here’s my affidavit in Word format if you want to edit/repurpose it in the case that Children’s Health Defense (CHD) is bringing against the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).

"Yes, this is the same school district that is educating you on the benefits of vaccination WITHOUT telling you ANYTHING about the risks. In short, they are the ones giving you a one-sided view of the argument."

If You Don't Know What Time It Is, Get Out Of Politics Now

If You Don't Know What Time It Is, Get Out Of Politics Now: Americans must understand that the ruling class seeks total power, is closing in on it, and will stop at nothing to achieve it.

Austria Takes a Step Toward Mandatory National Vaccines for All Adults 18 and Over

Austria Takes a Step Toward Mandatory National Vaccines for All Adults 18 and Over