Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Tremendously stupid, creepy, transcendently incompetent bums who run Kingston Freeman keep censoring reader comments

They post all sorts of false claims, insults, and bullshit by their Leftist trolls, but they couldn't bring themselves to post this one from me on the Biden administration:

"Might be a good idea to move beyond the reductio ad Hitlerum fallacy. But you cannot get beyond the use of coercion to force an experimental medicine on people. That is a violation of the Nuremberg Code. It's vile; it's disgusting; and there must be justice.

Must Watch Steve Kirsch: CDC and FDA vaccine committee members should resign for failing to spot safety signals

Right now Steve Kirsch is the most serious man on the planet.

TFNT9: CDC and FDA vaccine committee members should resign for failing to spot safety signals (

Do not let Rachel Maddow or anyone else rewrite history

By Alex Berenson

Do not let Rachel Maddow or anyone else rewrite history - by Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths (

"This is what Big Sister was telling you exactly six months ago today:

“'The virus stops with every vaccinated person… A vaccinated person gets exposed to the virus. The virus does not infect them. The virus cannot use that person to go anywhere else.'


"Six months ago. Not six years, not sixteen years. Six months ago.

"Never forget- and never let them forget: they didn’t ban me for being wrong. They banned me for being right."

A New York Post article on New Paltz that flopped with a hidden moderated local facebook group

Margi Conklin and her husband bought a weekend farmhouse in New Paltz about five years ago, then found themselves ensconced here during the fake pandemic. She's an editor for the New York Post. The piece (linked just below) hit the raw nerves of members of the largest local facebook group (I've never joined it and never will), and it got vicious enough for the Albany Times-Union to do a piece on that (won't link to that piece).

Anyway, this is about as standard as a New Paltz travel piece gets, with the twist that Conklin has relocated here and works for a disfavored, locally, newspaper. Harmless.

Village people: Upstate NY's best city to bunker down in (

Friday, September 24, 2021

Mengele’s unethical research was part of existing beliefs, practice

Mengele’s background, the study of medicine and anthropology, was well suited to Nazi ideology.

Mengele’s unethical research was part of existing beliefs, practice - The Jerusalem Post (

"Like all doctors in 1930s Germany, Mengele came under Hitler’s concept of German medicine that departed from the traditional caregiving role, Marwell explains. The physician’s first responsibility was to the nation, not individual patients. As part of the Führer’s weltanschauung, doctors were “biological soldiers,” committed to ensuring Germany’s glorious destiny by “cleansing” the population of “inferior” genetic material: Jews, gypsies, the mentally ill, and the handicapped, among others. Hitler’s racial ideology violated the Hippocratic oath, as doctors enforced “eugenic” laws to foster “racial hygiene.” Medical professionals were empowered to take aggressive actions against those believed to menace the German people and the nation’s future. In this environment, a young Dr. Josef Mengele began practicing medicine."

A comparison of age adjusted all-cause mortality rates in England between vaccinated and unvaccinated

The UK Government's own data does not support the claims made for vaccine effectiveness/safety.

Probability and Risk: A comparison of age adjusted all-cause mortality rates in England between vaccinated and unvaccinated (

Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

PART ONE: The fantasy of Zero Covid and the rise of the first democratic police state.

By Alex Berenson

Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi - by Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths (

"Americans have the wrong idea about Australia.

"Thanks to some brilliant tourism branding and Crocodile Dundee, we think of it as rough-n-ready frontier country, Montana with bigger beer cans. The dingo ate my baby!

"In reality it’s Canada with a mean streak. The Karens are in charge and they are mad."

Preview of Bob Kennedy Jr.'s book on Anthony Fauci

Dr. Robert Malone on Twitter:

"I am currently reviewing/editing RFK jr.'s (Bobby Kennedy) book regarding Anthony Fauci. It is amazing. I thought I understood what was going on from an insider POV. But this is mind blowing. AF is playing precisely the strategy that he developed and tested during the HIV days.

"Bobby is on fire in this manuscript. The depth of information and facts, all carefully cited, is mindblowing. It is a must read. I think it will really help clarify what has been going down here."

Sophisticated Worrying

Just came up with that concept out of thin air. Sophisticated worrying. Define it as worrying that is so worried that it can't be bothered with worry.

Sophisticated worrying accepts the worst possible scenario as the most likely one. Reminds me of my old take on the potential for nuclear annihilation and the end of the world. It would be an honor to be there for the end, though I preferred not to see it.

I have a lot of sophisticated worry for America, for New York City, New York State, Ulster County, and New Paltz. Take the last first. New Paltz appears to be in a xombie time. It's as though World War Z raced through here and no one noticed because xombie time doesn't allow time to notice. Small preoccupations dominate and crowd out anything important. The little luxuries of small beer life, a haughty remove from serious ideas, despising anyone who has any, and no interest in thinking clearly, about anything, clear the table for the feast of mediocrity.

The standards required are rigorous: Strict cultural illiteracy, spiritual flatness, quirky attitudinizing. Sounds like teenage girls, and that makes sense. Girls are in. Of the highest importance. Boys are bad, like their fathers, unless the fathers act like teenage girls.

Sophisticated worrying. About New Paltz. Not the physical place, but the now acultural, illiterate place.

An American Horror Story

"Thomas Caldwell’s is just one of several stories of American patriots living the nightmare of being American political prisoners."

by Julie Kelly

An American Horror Story › American Greatness (

"Caldwell, 66, clad only in his underwear, went to see what was happening outside his Virginia farm. 'There was a full SWAT team, armored vehicles with a battering ram, and people screaming at me,' Caldwell told me during a lengthy phone interview on September 21. 'People who looked like stormtroopers were pointing M4 weapons at me, covering me with red [laser] dots.'"

Berenson on Scotland

 Fair is foul, and foul is fair - by Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths (

"The Scots - like the Brits - are real good at vaccinating. 91 percent of people 16 and over in Scotland have received at least one dose. 84 percent two doses.

"They’re also real good at counting deaths in near-real-time.

"They just announced deaths for Week 37 (through Sept. 19)."

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Dr. Ryan Cole explains vaccine failure

Essential to watch this just under half-hour interview. 

Why a Leaky COVID Vaccine Could Be the World's Next Nightmare | Steve Deace Show (

The Left Cheered When Australians Gave Up Their Guns. Now They’re Being Shot By Their Own Government in the Streets

The Left Cheered When Australians Gave Up Their Guns. Now They’re Being Shot By Their Own Government in the Streets. (

"The bullets may be rubber, or “non-lethal” as they euphemistically call them. But they’re being fired at Australian citizens who have the audacity to want to… go outside. To leave their homes. To live life as normally as they can despite the state’s insistence of locking people in their own homes and creating a culture of fear around the Chinese Communist Party’s virus."

Thousands Of Australians Protest COVID Tyranny, Vaccine Mandates

Thousands Of Australians Protest COVID Tyranny, Vaccine Mandates: Thousands of working Australians protested COVID tyranny on Monday and Tuesday after the Victoria state government mandated the virus vaccine for workers.

Pandemia: How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government, Rights, and Lives by Alex Berenson

Hardcover coming November 30, 2021

Pre-order at Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Berenson is virtually the only reporter who has stayed on the story from the beginning. Censored (and censorship is violence) by Twitter -- they suspended his account. He's one of those people, too few of them, who stepped up and questioned everything, and most of the time he was right. There are several points where I disagree with him. Such as on the question of the value of the hydroxychloroquine/azithromycin/zinc combo. He doesn't like to go near the treatments in general. But everyone has his or her angle on this. 

Vaccine Collaborators

My recommendation to Gelernter is that he use "collaborationists" in place of "collaborators."

By Dan Gelernter

Vaccine Collaborators › American Greatness (

"Today, we are living through a new assault on freedom, coming not from without but from within. Paris recently lived under a curfew more restrictive than the German occupation curfew. Hundreds of millions of people across the globe were told to lock themselves in their homes while their “leaders” continued to dine out. For the first time since the collapse of Nazi Germany, western Europeans may be stopped and asked for their papers. Australia’s quarantine app gives people 15 minutes to submit photographic proof they’re at home (the photo is analyzed using facial recognition software)."

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Can A Generation Swamped With Wokeness Turn To Free Thought?

Can A Generation Swamped With Wokeness Turn To Free Thought?: Gen Z YouTuber Daniel Idfresne explains how his parents, his church, his teachers, and his own personal interests inoculated him against woke politics.

Meet The Maskless Elites Whose COVID Hierarchy Profits Them And Punishes You

Meet The Maskless Elites Whose COVID Hierarchy Profits Them And Punishes You: These leftist elites don't truly believe in the 'science' they so dutifully preach, because they won't suffer the consequences for breaking the rules.

The Disgusting Kingston Freeman Summed Up in Two Words: Alan Chartock

The persistent Andrew Cuomo apologist, Alan Chartock, writes the sole opinion content published (once a week) in that sad, criminally negligent excuse for a newspaper. Owned by a hedge fund, this ridiculous paper does have the deep pockets necessary should its criminal negligence ever face civil litigation. That's the best that can be said about it. It is another paper that believes it is the public relations arm of local government. Its coverage of the local coronavirus epidemic alone has been so negligent, and obviously so, that the family of anyone who has died from, for instance, taking any of the vaccines, has a good case. Not once has the paper ever reported on any report of vaccine injury or death in Ulster County.

"Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence" by Alex Berenson

This is the book that local marijuana legalizers need to at least look at before they legalize pot shops locally.

The hardcover edition is here:

Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence: Berenson, Alex: 9781982103668: Books

From there you can get to the Kindle edition, which is less expensive. But government types ought to spring for a hard copy.

HHS Whistleblower Calls Federal Government’s COVID Policies ‘Evil at the Highest Level’

 HHS Whistleblower Calls Federal Government’s COVID Policies ‘Evil at the Highest Level’ › American Greatness (

"O’Malley said the straw that broke the camel’s back for her was seeing a friend and colleague at the hospital be coerced against her will to get “the jab,” and then having to watch her die from a severe reaction days later."

The Stalinpaltz BrainFog-Tranquilizer (the newspaper formerly known as The New Paltz Times)

Fortunately, I know no one involved with the publishing of this unfortunate excuse for a local newspaper. Why I hoped for its survival during the pandemic, though, had to do with the survival of enterprises in general and the jobs involved. But over time something has gone even more terribly wrong with it than was terribly wrong with it before. The worst informed people in New Paltz are the people charged with keeping the citizens thereof informed.

If you go by the activity of the paper's facebook page, you would think you had just arrived at a ghost town in the Mohave.

One of the longest standing idiosyncrasies of the paper is its acceptance of the role as a public relations arm of the many local governments. Its job is to tell you what those governments want you to hear and not to inquire further, much less report in an objective tone. The writing borders on mindslaughter, with writer, editor, and reader all victims.

Monday, September 20, 2021

The Michael Sussmann Indictment

 No surprise: Trump/Russia was a Hillary Clinton operation all along.

By Techno Fog

The Michael Sussmann Indictment - by Techno Fog - The Reactionary (

"Perkins Coie lawyer Michael Sussman, who represented and worked on behalf of the DNC, the Hillary Clinton campaign, and Fusion GPS, has been indicted for giving false statements to FBI General Counsel James Baker. Read the full indictment here.

"This relates to the Baker/Sussmann meeting on September 16, 2016, in which Sussmann conveyed the false information put together by himself, Fusion GPS, and others - including one unnamed powerful tech executive - that there were improper contacts between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank."

CIA warned of kids near target of Kabul drone strike with seconds to spare: report

 CIA warned of kids near Kabul drone target: report (

"Intelligence officials warned the U.S. military — too late — that children may have been in or near a car targeted in an Aug. 29 drone strike in Kabul which left 10 innocents dead, according to a report."

The Afghanistization of America

 By Victor Davis Hanson

The Afghanistization of America › American Greatness (

"We have Afghanistanized the border as well, turning the United States into a pre-state whose badlands borders are absolutely porous and fluid. There is no audit of newcomers, no vaccinations required, no COVID-19 tests—none of the requirements that millions of citizens must meet either entering the United States or working at their jobs. Our Bagram abandonment is matched by abruptly abandoning the border wall in mid-course."

Amazon’s senseless bid to bury my exposé of Black Lives Matter

 Amazon’s senseless bid to bury my exposé of Black Lives Matter (

"Many Americans think that Black Lives Matter is a paragon of social justice. And who can blame them? Most of the media have failed to tell them the truth: that the BLM organizations were founded, and are led, by people recruited and trained by actual communists to — in their words — “dismantle the organizing principle of society.”

"Even Big Tech helps to cover up the truth. I know this because Amazon obstructed for a week my effort to shine a spotlight on BLM."

Saturday, September 18, 2021

FDA Panel Overwhelmingly Rejects Biden's Booster-Shots-For-All Plan

FDA Panel Overwhelmingly Rejects Biden's Booster-Shots-For-All Plan: The FDA panel overwhelmingly voted against the Biden administration's plan to implement booster shots of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines for all Americans.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Whatever that thing is, it's not a newspaper

Talking about the Kingston Freeman. The excuse there for years, utterly invalid, is that there's no money to put out a real newspaper.

The most important element of a free press is that it is independent of the government. It is not a vessel through which the government speaks without interruption. Yes, the government gets coverage, but a free press is not the government's public relations firm. The Freeman is run by two men who have zero interest in actually covering the news, locally or nationally. The local news coverage is so superficial as to be not worth the time to provide it. The national and state news coverage consists of running stories from the AP wire that most readily confirm the prejudices of the two editors.

It's a garbage publication. 

Virginia Teacher: Teaching Students to Follow Directions Is White Supremacy

 Virginia Teacher: Teaching Students to Follow Directions Is White Supremacy (

"A Virginia high school English teacher created a firestorm after posting a now-deleted Tik-Tok video in which he attacked teaching children rudimentary behavior skills as 'white supremacy.'"

Epitaph for the ‘War on Terror’

By Angelo Codevilla

Epitaph for the ‘War on Terror’ › American Greatness (

"Bush’s first post 9/11 act (other than to sequester information about Saudi Arabia and Iraq’s role in terrorism) was to declare Islam the 'religion of peace' and to declare illegitimate any American who thought otherwise. Fast forward to September 11, 2021 and Bush said that these Americans, many of whom had gone to war for him, losing life or limb, are 'children of the same foul spirit, and it is our continuing duty to confront them.'"

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Nicki Minaj was right and all the world’s COVID vaccine experts were wrong

By Steve Kirsch

Nicki Minaj was right and all the world’s COVID vaccine experts were wrong (

"Nicki Minaj made a tweet about a friend of her cousin who got vaccinated and had orchitis  (swelling of the testicles) afterwards.

"Nicki was globally mocked for this tweet by COVID vaccine experts and the mainstream media from around the world. As far as I could tell, not a single medical expert supported her position. Nobody in a position of authority came to her rescue. Nobody.

"It turns out Nicki was absolutely right. And all the world’s authorities and medical experts were incorrect (aka FOS)."

Leaked Document Shows Biden Taking Orders From Planned Parenthood

Leaked Document Shows Biden Taking Orders From Planned Parenthood: The Biden administration is flouting the law to push a massive financial favor to the abortion industry that backed Joe Biden's candidacy with millions.

Labeling The Founding Documents 'Offensive' Is Just The Beginning

Labeling The Founding Documents 'Offensive' Is Just The Beginning: By rewriting America’s history and 'recontextualizing' her founding documents, Biden’s National Archives is seeking to undermine our country's founders.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Stanford Faculty Smear Professor Who Spoke Accurately On Masks

Stanford Faculty Smear Professor Who Spoke Accurately On Masks: Open scientific discourse is especially critical during a public health crisis such as a pandemic. It is troubling when scientists try to limit debate.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Sick low-lifes at Kingston Freeman censor again

They censored this comment in response to an anonymous poster posing as a medical professional without any evidence that it is one. This "RN" was attacking the unvaccinated as a danger to everyone (meanwhile nurses around the country are quitting their jobs rather than be forced to be vaccinated). The lazy slobs at the Kingston Freeman found this response to the "RN" objectionable:

Actually, you are engaging in the very fear-mongering you say doesn't exist. In the first place, if you are vaccinated, what do you have to fear from the unvaccinated, unless of course you believe that the vaccines do not work. If I were you, I'd take a close look at the Oxford University study of Vietnamese health care workers published in The Lancet on August 10. Maybe you will get a different idea of who is putting everyone at risk.

What The Right Needs Now Is The Courage To Fight Even If It Costs Us

What The Right Needs Now Is The Courage To Fight Even If It Costs Us: All of a sudden, the conservative project is not a conservative one, so much as a counter-revolutionary one.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Report: Book Reveals Biden Family Corruption, ‘We’ve Got People All Around the World Who Want to Invest in Joe Biden’

We knew this already but here is some more of it.

Report - Biden Family Corruption: 'We’ve Got People' to Invest in Joe (

"Author of The Bidens: Inside the First Family’s Fifty-Year Rise to Power, Ben Schreckinger, was told by one of Jim’s former business partners, “Jim’s job is to ensure the lifestyle is good for the family.” The method of doing so reportedly entailed Hunter and Jim acquiring a hedge fund, Paradigm Global Advisors, which was founded and run by cocaine addict James Park."

Bush Re-Enters the Room

By Marc Steyn

Bush Re-Enters the Room

"Bush owed a debt to these men for acting while he was invisible. Yet his brief remarks barely mentioned those heroes, and none by name. Instead, he retreated to the lame tropes of the ruling class, and started yakking on about "nativism" and "religious bigotry" (ours, not the hijackers') in contrast to those admirable Americans who "reaffirm their welcome to immigrants and refugees". These are surely pitiful consolations for the Afghan debacle, and weirdly irrelevant to the heroes of Flight 93, who were rather deplorably unicultural - "white male frat jock yuppies". As for "welcoming immigrants", one might think that, even for as oblivious a ruling-class man as Bush, that would be in somewhat bad taste given what happened twenty years ago. From page 249 of After America:

In the 7-Eleven parking lot in Falls Church, Virginia... four young men obtained the picture ID with which they boarded their flight on September 11th.

They did so by bribing a Salvadorean illegal immigrant to certify that they all lived at his address. Hundreds lived in his modest flat: it's part of the non-gaming of the non-system that is not only tolerated but venerated by the Uniparty."

60 Minutes Mike Wallace Exposes the 1976 Swine Flu Pandemic Vaccine Injuries


Make War, Get War: What Is the Government Mandating?

By Angelo Codevilla

Make War, Get War: What Is the Government Mandating? › American Greatness (

"But when we ask why the Democratic Party, its associates in the media, and the rest of the ruling class, including the drug companies, are pushing vaccination so hard, we are quickly dismissed and told that it is because of their benign, paternalistic, scientifically informed concern for our health. 

"Who really believes that? 

"By the very token by which we conclude that there is nothing in it for us, we notice that there is plenty in it for them: the power that comes from keeping Americans “pseudo-Science-whipped” into obedience to the ruling class; and the money, lots of it, that this power continues to funnel away from the likes of us to the likes of them."

DeSantis Blasts Biden: 'We Don't Have One-Person Rule In This Country'

DeSantis Blasts Biden: 'We Don't Have One-Person Rule In This Country': 'People should not be cast aside because they make a medical decision for themselves. They should not lose their job,' said Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Compare The 2017 Inauguration Riot, 2020 Riots, And 2021 Capitol Riot

Compare The 2017 Inauguration Riot, 2020 Riots, And 2021 Capitol Riot: Many say the Jan. 6 Capitol riot is one of America’s darkest episodes. Others say the nationwide protests last summer over George Floyd’s murder were worse.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Why Believing in Long-Term Vaccine Safety Is Simply Irrational

 Why Believing in Long-Term Vaccine Safety Is Simply Irrational › American Greatness (

"Here is the simple argument: consider, first, how virtually everything you were told about COVID and the vaccines turned out to be wrong again and again and again. (Note that every single one of the links that follow is from a mainstream source and, in fact, I will not cite anything from a remotely questionable source in this entire article)..."

The horrible, ignorant, lazy slobs who run the Kingston Freeman censored this comment

 "See Steve Kirsch's video available through Rumble. You'll know it when you find it."

That represents a new low. There was no link to the video in the comment. No discussion of the subject.

I'm not even going to discuss it here. But you had best go find it and hear what Kirsch has to say.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

AR-15s Are Why Leftists Can’t Commit Taliban Atrocities Here

AR-15s Are Why Leftists Can’t Commit Taliban Atrocities Here: Taliban executions remind Americans to never give up arms they need for the primary reason the Constitution guarantees their right to have them.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

National Archives Slaps 'Harmful Content' Warning On Constitution

National Archives Slaps 'Harmful Content' Warning On Constitution: The National Archives issued a blanket 'warning' on cataloged documents, cautioning readers against 'racist, sexist, misogynistic, and xenophobic opinions.'

Friday, September 3, 2021

Just another mild Covid breakthrough case: In a healthy young vaccinated athlete

By Alex Berenson

Just another mild Covid breakthrough case - by Alex Berenson - Unreported Truths (

But then there is this, down the story:

"This is not unlike the reporting on Jesse Jackson, who is now hospitalized with Covid after being vaccinated in January. Headlines report Jackson is in a “rehab facility,” as if he has been discharged from hospital care - when in reality he has been moved to a specialized hospital for intensive “occupational and physical therapy.”"

Thursday, September 2, 2021

High School Students Perform Mass Walkout In Protest Of Mask Mandates, Chant ‘No More Masks’

BREAKING: Colorado High School Students Perform Mass Walkout In Protest Of Mask Mandates, Chant 'No More Masks' - National File

"Students located in at least two Colorado high schools are currently executing a mass walkout in protest of restrictive and widely criticized mask mandates as of Wednesday afternoon. Students have been seen chanting “No more masks” as mask-supporting school officials complain on social media and in press releases."

A fundamentally transformed America is a greatly weakened one

By George Neumayr

Biden’s Fundamentally Weakened America | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

"A fundamentally transformed America is a greatly weakened one. Biden is, alas, finishing Obama’s job. What Biden calls a “success” in Afghanistan, future historians will call an ignominious failure. It got little attention, but even Biden’s drone strike in response to last week’s suicide bombing was a debacle. The strike ended up killing ten innocent civilians, “five of them children, all relatives of an interpreter who’d worked for Americans during the war,” reports Slate."

A Look At Scientific Evidence Suggesting Face Masks Damage Health

I've been censored several times at the Kingston Freeman for making comments about masks.

A Look At Scientific Evidence Suggesting Face Masks Damage Health: Scientists have found significant impaired thinking after only 100 minutes of using face masks, correlating with reduced blood oxygen levels.

Defeat in war creates serious consequences for the defeated and its allies

Mac Owens: From Saigon to Kabul

The danger for America is that the blow to its credibility as an ally is likely to make the world a more dangerous place.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Dr. Scott Atlas: Science Killed Itself Over COVID-19

Dr. Scott Atlas: Science Killed Itself Over COVID-19: 'Science is not supposed to be about intimidating, or abusing, or censoring data ... There is never supposed to be 'an accepted view' of science.'

Man ceases to be human once he accepts a metaphysical takeover by ideology

 A History of Totalitarian Surrealism › American Greatness (

"Censorship became so embedded in people’s consciousness that they willingly engaged in self-censorship. Ideology was jammed down people’s throats while the bureaucratic ideologues greatly feared religion. One such case was of a young girl who became miraculously cured after she was visited by a priest. The authorities were so obsessed with proving that it wasn’t God who saved her that they engaged in persecution of this poor girl. Satter rightly points out the funny irony: the very obsession with proving that God doesn’t exist acknowledges that God is present in people’s lives."

Austria Takes a Step Toward Mandatory National Vaccines for All Adults 18 and Over

Austria Takes a Step Toward Mandatory National Vaccines for All Adults 18 and Over