Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Zampolits of Wokeness

By J. Michael Waller

Zampolits of Wokeness › American Greatness (

"The Soviets had an entire command structure for wokeness in their military. That structure consisted first of political officers in uniform to impose and enforce party doctrine among conscripts and military professionals. These were known as political commissars. Commissars functioned from the ministry of defense level on down. Commissars ultimately were replaced at the regimental level by political officers known in party bureaucratic shorthand as zampolits.

"The commissars and zampolits ran the systems of indoctrination, coercion, informants, rewards, and punishments. Many rose to the top."

How A 10-Year-Old Girl’s Mom Saved Her From Going Transgender

How A 10-Year-Old Girl’s Mom Saved Her From Going Transgender: This mother and daughter's story illustrates how quickly and easily a ten-year-old girl can be groomed into a cross-sex identity.

Monday, June 28, 2021

The Cruel Progressive Creed Undoing Civilization

By Victor Davis Hanson

"The Left’s progressive wasteland is an acceptable price to pay for the terrifying visions of its anointed."

The Cruel Progressive Creed Undoing Civilization › American Greatness (

"There is no U.S. border; it is an abstract construct that millions will illegally cross in the next few years, ostensibly because they will become future soldiers in the progressive wars for America to come. The idea of merit that built America is a dirty word, replaced by medieval tribalism of hiring and promotion by superficial appearance.

"In just five months, Joe Biden created a desert and called it progress."

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Friday, June 25, 2021

Biden Conflates Tuskegee Airman With Tuskegee Syphilis Study

While some might choose to blame this on senile dementia of one form or another, it's not that different from the sort of thing Biden has said throughout his life. He's never cared much for stating things correctly.

Biden Conflates Tuskegee Airman With Tuskegee Syphilis Study: 'It’s been harder to get African Americans, initially, to get vaccinated because they are used to being experimented on — the Tuskegee Airmen and others.'

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Study: Lockdowns Didn’t Save Lives And May Have Actually Killed People

Study: Lockdowns Didn’t Save Lives And May Have Actually Killed People: A new study found that the COVID-19 lockdowns were not effective in saving lives and may have even resulted in more deaths.

Nolte: America Ranks Dead Last Among 46 Countries in Media Trust

Nolte: America Ranks Dead Last Among 46 Countries in Media Trust (

"Brett Kavanaugh — Serial Rapist
The Covington KKKids Hoax
Hands Up, Don’t Shoot
George Zimmerman
The Russia Collusion Hoax
The Clearing of Lafayette Square Hoax
The Lab Leak Theory Has Been Debunked Hoax
The Russians are Behind Hunter’s Laptop Hoax
The Russian Bounty Hoax
The Capitol Police Officer Killed with a Fire Extinguisher Hoax
The Very Fine People Hoax
And on and on and on…"

Shutdown Of Hong Kong's Free Press Is An Indictment Of Western Fools

Shutdown Of Hong Kong's Free Press Is An Indictment Of Western Fools: The death of Apple Daily marks the end of Hong Kong's free press, and the west must ask: is it wise to continue empowering the CCP's destruction?

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Leaked Training Documents Show Iowa Schools Classify 'Make America Great Again' As White Supremacy

Leaked Training Documents Show Iowa Schools Classify 'Make America Great Again' As White Supremacy: Iowa’s Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency subjected teachers to a training labeling the phrase 'Make America Great Again' an example of white supremacy.

Recent History Suggests FBI Involvement in January 6

 Recent History Suggests FBI Involvement in January 6 › American Greatness (

"But the great leap of faith, of course, is to assume the FBI played no role in an event now used as a pretext to authorize government agencies, from the Justice Department to Homeland Security, to pursue Americans on the political Right. This especially includes people FBI Director Christopher Wray calls “domestic violent extremists,” code for Trump supporters. Every FBI field office, Wray brags, is involved in the nationwide manhunt to find and arrest anyone who participated in the January 6 protest, including those who did nothing more than allegedly trespass on public property."

Monday, June 21, 2021

Democrats Are Turning ‘Homeland Security’ Into A Political Weapon

Democrats Are Turning ‘Homeland Security’ Into A Political Weapon: At the behest of partisan Democrats, the organization created to protect us all from another 9/11 will now turn its forces and energy on American civilians.

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Marx, Muhammad, and the West’s Current Crisis

Marx, Muhammad, and the West’s Current Crisis

"In 1923, Lukacs helped found the Frankfurt School, which developed Critical Theory. “Critical theory attacks Christianity, capitalism, authority, the family, patriarchy, hierarchy, morality, tradition, sexual restraint, loyalty, patriotism, and nationalism,” Simpson notes. Subsequently Derrick Bell, former President Barack Obama’s favorite professor, “devised Critical Race Theory [CRT], an offshoot of Critical Theory applied to race,” Simpson adds. CRT is BLM “in a nutshell, and defines the extreme polarization communists have deliberately fomented in America. They couldn’t achieve it by revolutionizing the proletariat, so they targeted race.”"

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Fables for the Crossed-Out

Rescued from Stalinist oblivion, Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky’s work brilliantly captures the devastation—and absurdity—of the Russian Revolution.

Fables for the Crossed-Out | City Journal (

"What had emerged by 1922, when Krzhizhanovsky moved to Moscow, was a “country of nonexistences,” as he wrote in a story published a few years later; a war-torn land haunted by “former people”—the Bolshevik term for those who had outlived their time: Orthodox priests, aristocrats, businessmen, doubting intellectuals. Marx had envisioned “the true realm of freedom” as consisting of men and women liberated from their economic functions: “the development of human powers as an end in itself.” What grew from the Marxist agitating that overtook Russia like a fungal bloom in the late nineteenth century, spreading its spores from Saint Petersburg to Sebastopol, Kostroma to Krasnoyarsk, was instead a regime that reduced men and women to their basic material functions and that broke human beings down, ruthlessly and systematically, discarding everything inessential to the state."

Monday, June 14, 2021

10 Most Devastating Impacts Of Homeschooling Your Kids

10 Most Devastating Impacts Of Homeschooling Your Kids | The Babylon Bee

"1. Homeschooling makes your children much more likely to grow up to become cisgender: Is that what you want, Mom and Dad? Another cis-normative oppressor making trans people feel unsafe?

"2. If you homeschool, your child will miss out on up-to-date works of literature written by trans people of color: Do you really want them to settle for outdated works like The Bible, Shakespeare, or The Tuttle Twins?"

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Survivor Of Mao’s China: Critical Race Theory ‘Is Racist,’ China Used ‘Wokeness’ To Install Communism

Survivor Of Mao’s China: Critical Race Theory ‘Is Racist,’ China Used ‘Wokeness’ To Install Communism | The Daily Wire

“Okay, I just want to let the American people know that what’s going on in our school and in our country is really a replay of the Cultural Revolution in China, and I want people to see the similarities and the similarities are terrifying,” Van Fleet said. “They use the same ideology, and same methodology, even the same vocabulary. And with the same goal. The ideology is Cultural Marxism. And we were divided into groups as the oppressor and oppressed. And here we use race, and they’re the use class. And the people here who have a different review, were labeled racist. But in the Cultural Revolution, the label is counterrevolutionary. So it is a hat that fits all. And once the hat is on your head, your life is ruined.”

The Invasion


Friday, June 11, 2021

NJ Teacher Resigns Rather Than Teach Racist Critical Race Theory

NJ Teacher Resigns Rather Than Teach Racist Critical Race Theory: When given the choice between indoctrinating students in critical race theory or quitting, one New Jersey prep school teacher decided to leave her job.

YouTube Bans Sen. Ron Johnson For Discussing Treatment Of COVID-19


YouTube Bans Sen. Ron Johnson For Discussing Treatment Of COVID-19: YouTube's position is that content on the site must parrot whatever comes from its narrow set of authorities, even though their positions change frequently and dramatically.

Monday, June 7, 2021

The Lethal Wages of Trump Derangement Madness

By Victor Davis Hanson

The Lethal Wages of Trump Derangement Madness › American Greatness (

"Under the reductionist malady of Trump Derangement Syndrome, facts and logic did not matter. Instead, anything not said or done in opposition to Trump empowered the supposed existential Trump threat. Ironically, some of the most deductive and reductionist Trump haters were supposedly professionals, the highly educated, and the self-proclaimed devotees of the Enlightenment. And yet in their uncontrolled aversion and detestation, they suspended all the rules of empiricism, logic, and rationality—and people died as a result."

Health Care Journal Publishes Research Calling Whiteness A 'Parasitic Condition' Without 'Permanent Cure'

Soviet level science.

Health Care Journal Publishes Research Calling Whiteness A 'Parasitic Condition' Without 'Permanent Cure': A recently published article from the American Psychoanaltic Association describes being white as “a malignant, parasitic-like condition.'

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Anyone else sick of this bullshit from Leftists?

Rand Paul: ‘I’ve Had Five Death Threats’ for Questioning Anthony Fauci

Rand Paul: 'I've Had Five Death Threats' for Questioning Anthony Fauci (

Arguably, Rand Paul has already had several attempts on his life, starting with the Hodgkinson shooting at the ballfield when Steve Scalise nearly bought it. Rand Paul was in the outfield.

Then his "neighbor" attacked him out of nowhere, blindsiding him and slamming him into the turf in his backyard at home in Kentucky.

He was also among the first in Congress to come down with the corona.

Then, on the streets of DC, after Trump gave his acceptance speech outdoors at the White House in 2020, Paul and his wife were narrowly rescued by police as they were surrounded by angry and violent Antifa types.

Pork-Stuffed Bill About To Pass Senate Enables Splicing Aborted Babies With Animals

Pork-Stuffed Bill About To Pass Senate Enables Splicing Aborted Babies With Animals: Senate bill 1260 could create the optimal competitiveness needed to surpass China in science-technology research and development. But growing concern from Senate Republicans over its ethical and practical effectiveness and the required $250 billion spending surge has drastically undercut the virtue of the proposed bill.

The hateful slobs of the Kingston Daily Freeman and the disgusting trolls they nurture

The people who run the Kingston Daily Freeman are among the most vicious, yet still remarkably lazy, slobs in the generally hateful and slobby world of American liberal media (aka 95% of the American media).

While the Freeman pretends to be a local daily newspaper, it only presents what is very much like a fifth generation photocopy of real local news. It's just awful and only the least informed readers would think otherwise.

The rest of the "newspaper" is jammed with garbage from the Associated Press, the poisoned groundwater of Fake News. That's where the combination of laziness and slobbery finds its resting point.

Then there are the comment sections, dominated by the most noxious, vile trolls, all but one or two anonymous. Garbage Leftists making garbage comments with a big dose of mental illness.

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Lecturer At Yale Fantasizes About Brutally Murdering White People

Lecturer At Yale Fantasizes About Brutally Murdering White People: In a Yale lecture given by Aruna Khilanani, she fantasized about 'unloading a revolver into the heads of any white person who got in my way.'

Friday, June 4, 2021

Tiananmen Square anniversary

I was still living in Chinatown in Manhattan when Tiananmen Square protests began. For whatever reason these were seen as a hopeful sign about the Chinese regime. The Chinese in Chinatown, like most New Yorkers but more so, were always stone faced as a matter of public street form. For those couple/few days, however, before the crackdown, they seemed oddly elevated, more square-shouldered, a little lighter on their feet. Then the inevitable, and everything returned to normal.

It’s Time To Bring Back Prayer In Public Schools

It’s Time To Bring Back Prayer In Public Schools: For several decades now, American society has operated under a false assumption that banning prayer in public schools is irrevocable settled science.

Austria Takes a Step Toward Mandatory National Vaccines for All Adults 18 and Over

Austria Takes a Step Toward Mandatory National Vaccines for All Adults 18 and Over